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Company information

Schumacher Packaging GmbH
Plant Ebersdorf
Friesendorfer Straße 4
96237 Ebersdorf / GERMANY
Tel: +49 9562 383-0
Fax: +49 9562 383-299

Registrar of companies: Amtsgericht Coburg
Register number: HRB 4864
VAT ID: DE 176 919 837
CEO: Björn Schumacher



Copyright and other special protected rights

The contents of this website are protected by copyright. One copy of the information in this website may be stored on a single computer for non-commercial, personal private use. Graphics, text, logos, images, etc. may only be downloaded, reproduced, copied, modified, published, distributed, transferred or used in any other form with the prior written authorisation of Schumacher Packaging GmbH. Product and company names mentioned in this website may be registered trade marks or brands. Unauthorised use may result in claims for compensatory damages and injunctive relief.



Schumacher Packaging GmbH accepts no liability for damages – especially in respect of any direct or indirect consequential damage, data loss, loss of profit, system or production failures – arising from the use of this website or the downloading of data, except in the case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of Schumacher Packaging GmbH. The legal relationship between you and Schumacher Packaging GmbH resulting from the use of the websites is subject to the Law of the Federal Republic of Germany. In the event of any legal disputes with registered traders arising from the use of these websites, the place of jurisdiction shall be the registered office of Schumacher Packaging GmbH in Ebersdorf.

Verpackungsregister LUCID 


Schumacher Packaging GmbH  

Werke Ebersdorf, Bielefeld, Greven

LUCID Registrierungsnummer: DE5548087800842


Schumacher Packaging GmbH & Co. KG

Werk Forchheim

LUCID Registrierungsnummer: DE5638949824680


Schumacher Packaging GmbH

Werk Sonneberg

LUCID Registrierungsnummer: DE2579945608084


Schumacher Packaging GmbH

Werk Schwarzenberg 

LUCID Registrierungsnummer: DE1334269110160


Schumacher Packaging GmbH

Werk Hauenstein

LUCID Registrierungsnummer: DE4154830611021


Schumacher Packaging Sp. z o.o. Werk Wrocław

LUCID Registrierungsnummer: DE4730433858581


Schumacher Packaging Werk Bydgoszcz Sp. z o.o.

LUCID Registrierungsnummer: DE3375594731290             


Schumacher Packaging Zakład Grudziądz, Zakład Myszków Sp. z o.o.

LUCID Registrierungsnummer: DE1133790883211


Schumacher Packaging Services GmbH

Service Center Lehrte

LUCID Registrierungsnummer: DE4044210549975


Schumacher Packaging & Display

Werk Breda

 LUCID Registrierungsnummer: DE3736310271678


Schumacher Pack Solution GmbH

LUCID Registrierungsnummer: DE2627361029188



Konzeption, Design, Animation und Programmierung:
Netzbewegung, Agentur für digitale Erlebniskommunikation