Company founded in Ebersdorf b. Coburg
The success story of Schumacher Packaging begins after the war. Kurt H. Schumacher had returned from captivity in the autumn of 1947 and rejoined his family who had fled East Prussia in the Bavarian town of Ebersdorf, not far from Coburg. Despite his bleak starting situation after the war, he does not complain about his lost existence, but rolls up his sleeves. On 17 December 1947, the government of Upper and Middle Franconia granted his wife Hildegard Schumacher permission "to set up a business as a commercial agent for wickerwork, toys, arts and crafts articles, fancy goods and stationery".
The first business premises are moved into the property of Karl Hess and later also into the property of his brother August Hess. The office is set up in an old flour room. The goods are transported to Ebersdorf by train and have to be picked up from the station with a handcart and stored on the grain floor, which is no longer used. In addition to the articles already mentioned, the young company's trade goods included seeds and carvings from Oberammergau, and later also nails - blue pencils and combing pins - and ella cord.