New era in IT and sales
Norbert Hager, Roswitha Schumacher's brother, was already active in the company during his studies at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. In the 1970s, he transformed the existing trade structures in the organisation - also through innovative technologies - into a modern industrial structure. For example, the Hewlett-Packard process computer system he introduced led to an increase in productivity in the office area of more than 100 percent after only a few years - a milestone for the company. From the beginning until today, he has also been responsible for the continuous modernisation of the IT landscape.
Björn Schumacher on Norbert Hager: "His entrepreneurial thinking and openness to innovation have always played a major role in the company's sales success. Over the past four decades, Norbert Hager has played a significant role in Schumacher Packaging's development from a regional supplier for medium-sized companies to a pan-European partner for major brand-name companies."